We live in a digital age that is changing rapidly. People rely on mobile apps as both personal and business tools, and this practice won't slow down anytime soon.
Mobile commerce will soon grow 70% in market size in the next few years. People are increasingly comfortable with and prefer to do business on their smartphones.
In a growing trend, self-service apps are becoming the norm in the retail world. If you run a retail company, you need to start considering the value in these apps if you don't already use them.
Consider the tips below to learn more about how self service mobile apps will become a gamechanger for your business.
Self Service Mobile Apps Build Loyalty Programs With Ease
Your rewards program provides a backbone to your retail business. This sort of program involves dishing out points that lead to future discounts and items. Rewards programs are becoming a common way of doing retail business.
In fact, customers prefer it that way. Studies show that 75% of shoppers would rather do business with companies that offer loyalty and reward programs.
Participation in the rewards program becomes seamless when customers complete transactions with self-service apps. They can log in, use facial recognition or punch in a code, rather than having to bring a physical card to the store.
It Increases the Payment Options for the Company
You go way beyond physical debit cards, credit cards, and cash when you implement self-service apps. It opens transactions up for digital forms of payment, to include the use of your digital wallet, Apple Pay, Android Pay, PayPal, and other outlets.
You won't lose business when people forget their debit card or fail to bring enough cash. Consumers can transfer money on the fly if they need to, which puts more power and options in their hands.
What's more, it's easy to plug in a promotion or coupon code to save money on the spot.
These Apps Let Companies Market to Customers With Alerts
The mobile device should be a top priority with your marketing efforts.
About 5 billion people around the globe use smartphones. Marketing to a person via their phone cuts out the middle man and helps you better serve people on an individual basis.
When customers use self-service apps, they can also register for timely alerts catered to their shopping needs. You can also send push alerts when you have a discount or promotion.
With geo alerts, you can also give people a heads-up when they're close to one of your locations.
These apps help you think outside the box with how you approach your marketing and can get you a better return on investment (ROI). You can program your app to continuously provide customers what they buy the most at the best prices.
Customer Complaints are Handled With Ease in a Streamlined Manner
The customer can more easily get their needs met with self-service apps. These apps really shine with how customer service is handled.
Having to pick up the phone and sit on hold, or visit a physical location to speak to a manager can become time-consuming and counterproductive. Mobile apps streamline the customer service process since shoppers can engage in virtual chats and other forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to get their needs met.
These apps are particularly helpful for the little issues that are easy to fix but take up employees' time. For instance, with apps like Instacart, customers can fill out a form for a complaint that specifically mentions what item they were missing, overcharged with, or any other problem.
Often within as little as an hour, the customer receives an e-mail back with an apology and a credit to their account to make up the difference.
Handling these small customer complaints with an app saves your company time and money, and most importantly, pleases the customer so that they keep coming back.
Customers Won't Clutter Checkout Lines or Stores
Self-service apps that developers build let customers shop and check out on their device without having to even step foot into a line. Customers grab smart shopping carts in-store that tally up their balance, so they can then pay on the spot with a tap of their phone.
This reduces the burden on cashiers and keeps the flow of traffic moving in and out of your building.
Make no mistake about it -- the COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly accelerating innovation in technology and the way that we use it.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, these sorts of advancements also limit contact. People can easily socially distance without having to pass cash and debit cards back and forth.
Self-Service Mobile Apps are Green-Friendly
Finally, these apps are flat-out great for the environment. You're taking another step toward becoming a paperless business and will contribute far less waste.
Customers can opt to have their receipts sent to their phone by text message or e-mail or can count on the receipt to be archived in the app itself. Limiting your damage to the environment is something that every business should continuously move toward.
Give Your Shoppers the Self-Service App Experience
Implementing self service mobile apps will give your business the modern facelift that it needs. The customization, convenience, and marketing potential are too great to pass up.
Our company has a lights out team of mobile developers that will gladly off whatever services you need.
Give us a call at (585)327-5640 or reach out to us online for more information about how we can help you out!
Tagged as: Mobile App Development, Retail

About the Author:
As co-owner of custom software development company, Envative, David has been immersed in Internet based application design & development for the past 30 years – with total development experience exceeding 30 years. He has held positions ranging from senior developer, systems manager, IT manager and technical consultant for a range of businesses across the country.
David’s strength comes from a deep knowledge of technologies, design, project management skills and his aptitude for applying logical solutions to complex issues. He manages the day-to-day operations of Envative and has implemented a highly successful streamlined process for the software development and project management teams to follow.